Restoration Place Counseling offers individual in-person counseling sessions for girls and women, age 12 and up, who may be suffering from issues such as:
- Depression/Anxiety
- Disordered Eating & Body Image Issues
- Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Effects of Past or Current Abuse (Emotional, Physical, Spiritual)
- Dating, Marriage, and Other Relationships
- Self-Image/Esteem Issues
- Spiritual Issues and Concerns
Counselor and client will work together to identify key problems or issues that prevent the client from living a full and abundant life. Goals will be established and then the counselor will assess the most effective mode of therapy that will guide the client toward the best possible outcome. RPC counselors are trained and proficient in best practices for mental health treatment.
Counseling includes the active involvement and commitment of the client who must work both in and out of the counseling session to gain the insight needed to succeed. There is no instant, painless, or passive “cure”. There is no “magic pill.” Instead, there will be homework assignments, exercises, writing journals, and perhaps other projects.
It is important for the client to understand that there are both benefits and risks associated with counseling and therapy. Risks might include experiencing uncomfortable levels of feelings like sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger or frustration, or having difficulties with other people. Some changes may lead to what at first seems to be worsening circumstances or even losses. Our hope and prayer for each client is that she will persevere through the pain and experience liberating joy on the other side of the process.